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Special Episode Panel

Holly Welch
Notes From The Underground Host
†he Burros of Berea
Listen to our Side Studies Segment to get a totally different perspective on the Bible. If you’ve ever questioned who wrote it, who put it together or who the people and themes within the context of the Bible are, then this in-depth study is for you.

Side Studies
with †he Burros of Berea
Listen to our Side Studies Segment to get a totally different perspective on the Bible. If you’ve ever questioned who wrote it, who put it together or who the people and themes within the context of the Bible are, then this in-depth study is for you.
Notes From
The Underground
The Burros of Berea have added a new host for our, “Notes from the Underground” series. Tiziana Severse hosts the deep dive study into some of the most interesting topics and people of the bible.Tiziana is joined by Andy Bishop and Rick Welch. For those who like to delve into history, archeology and ancient cultures to bring to life the stories of the Bible (with a modern look), you’ll love this!