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Cruickshank's Corner


Robert Cruickshank


Days of Past Future?

Days of Past Future? Copyright © Robert E. Cruickshank, Jr (April 8, 2023) Karen Rogers (Editor) All Rights Reserved   “X-Men: Days of Future Past” …

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Ninety Percent of Pastors Agree –This is How Things Are Supposed to Be!

Copyright © Robert E. Cruickshank, Jr (April 2, 2023) Karen Rogers (Editor) All Rights Reserved   A recent survey from Nashville-based Lifeway Research reveals, “almost …

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The Rapture Index: Bad News is Good News

Back in 1987, David Chilton talked about how Dispensationalists oddly viewed “any new outbreak of war, any rise in crime statistics” and “any new evidence …

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Gog, Magog…Russia and the Rapture?

My good friend, Joel Rosenauer, has a saying: “When there is a lack of information, there are overactive imaginations.”   Overactive imaginations seem to be …

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Missing the Mark of the Beast

“And he causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, to be given a mark …

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Here’s Hoping a Future Generation Will Get “This Generation” Right

In Matthew 24:34, Jesus says: “…this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” Throughout Matthew’s Gospel, “this generation” always refers to …

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The General Judgment and The Gospel

“They show that the work of the law is u written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse …

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Oikouménē in Hebrews 1:6

Oikouménē in Hebrews 1:6 “And again, when he brings the firstborn into the world (οἰκουμένη ), he says, ‘Let all God’s angels worship him’” (Hebrews …

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Recently someone asked me about Zechariah 14 and how I could possibly believe it’s been fulfilled already. A number of years ago, I had addressed …

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Revelation 20 and the New Exodus (Part 1): The Dragon

Revelation 20 and the New Exodus (Part 1): The Dragon © Robert E. Cruickshank Jr (June 9, 2022) Revised October 9, 2022   “Then I …

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Luke 17:20-21 and the Timing of the Kingdom

Dispensationalism and other forms of Futurism argue for a kingdom that is either exclusively in the future, or exclusively internal – existing only in the …

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Dirt and Dominion

Dirt & Dominion: Sacred Space in the New Covenant Age Robert E. Cruickshank Jr [This is an excerpt from my message at Berean Bible Church …

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