Cruickshank's Corner


Robert Cruickshank


Will the Real Antichrist Please Stand Up?

Copyright © Robert E. Cruickshank, Jr (May 20, 2023) Karen Rogers (Editor) All Rights Reserved   While speculation about the Antichrist is nothing new, current ...

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Biblical Imagery vs. Modern Imagination: Capturing the Image of the Beast

Copyright © Robert E. Cruickshank, Jr (May 13, 2023) Karen Rogers (Editor) All Rights Reserved   C.S. Lewis coined the phrase “the discarded image.” While ...

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Dispensationalism, Abortion, and the Terminal Generation

Dispensationalism, Abortion, and the Terminal Generation Copyright © Robert E. Cruickshank, Jr (May 7, 2023) Karen Rogers (Editor) All Rights Reserved   In 1973, Hal ...

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War – It’s Good for Dispensationalism!

War – It’s Good for Dispensationalism! Copyright © Robert E. Cruickshank, Jr (April 17, 2023) Karen Rogers (Editor) All Rights Reserved   War! What is ...

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Four Signs that a Bible Teacher Doesn’t Understand the Signs

Four Signs that a Bible Teacher Doesn’t Understand the Signs Copyright © Robert E. Cruickshank, Jr (April 14, 2023) Karen Rogers (Editor) All Rights Reserved ...

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Days of Past Future?

Days of Past Future? Copyright © Robert E. Cruickshank, Jr (April 8, 2023) Karen Rogers (Editor) All Rights Reserved   “X-Men: Days of Future Past” ...

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Ninety Percent of Pastors Agree –This is How Things Are Supposed to Be!

Copyright © Robert E. Cruickshank, Jr (April 2, 2023) Karen Rogers (Editor) All Rights Reserved   A recent survey from Nashville-based Lifeway Research reveals, “almost ...

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The Rapture Index: Bad News is Good News

Back in 1987, David Chilton talked about how Dispensationalists oddly viewed “any new outbreak of war, any rise in crime statistics” and “any new evidence ...

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Gog, Magog…Russia and the Rapture?

My good friend, Joel Rosenauer, has a saying: “When there is a lack of information, there are overactive imaginations.”   Overactive imaginations seem to be ...

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Missing the Mark of the Beast

“And he causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, to be given a mark ...

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Here’s Hoping a Future Generation Will Get “This Generation” Right

In Matthew 24:34, Jesus says: “…this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” Throughout Matthew’s Gospel, “this generation” always refers to ...

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The General Judgment and The Gospel

“They show that the work of the law is u written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse ...

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